My Wonderful Roommates! My First Show! Cats!

Disclaimer: the author of this blog feels the need to specify that his first show will not, in fact, be Andrew Lloyd Weber's seminal classic featuring Jellicles.

Welcome to Brooklyn

headshot by the INCOMPARABLE @gao_an

Hey everyone! If you're on this blog, it's probably because you know me personally. If not, you go - internet stranger. In short, I quit my software engineering job in January to focus on acting professionally. I moved to New York 3 days ago, and so far things have been going better than I could have ever planned or imagined. Here are some highlights from the past two days!

Day 1: Not Getting Serial Killed

I found my apartment on Facebook, of all places. I'm a man with modest desires: I want a washer dryer in-unit; I want a space that I can squeeze in a couch to entertain; I want to pay less than 2k in rent. In short--I want to live in Brooklyn, not Manhattan. A friend suggested I reach out using Facebook groups, and I found a place on Gypsy Housing NYC. The place seemed way too good to be true. It had WALL ART. As a guy in his twenties, I see wall art as strictly the domain of angels and billionaires. I am ashamed to admit that every place I've lived has strictly white walls.

My old room. The bar to beat was very very low. In the gutter, actually.

The new place has WALL ART...

...and roommates with impeccable taste

They say you can tell a lot about a person by looking at how they keep their home (dirty? clean? ikea? west elm? small animal carcasses strewn about?). As soon as I saw the post on Facebook, I knew that this was the apartment and these were the roommates. My friends were less sure.

"Are you sure they're not serial killers, John"

"It has to be a trap, John"

"Don't forget to pack the pepper spray, John"

I got picked up (?!) from the airport by my roommate, and luckily I lived. The apartment is everything I could have dreamed of. We have an in-unit washer dryer, a space to entertain, and an abundance of good vibes.

One of our resident good vibe cats: Tux

After a successful IKEA run and my introduction to the iconic reality TV trip named Love is Blind (obligatory Shake rhymes with Snake), things were looking up.

Day 2: Rug!

The day started off with a banger. My roommates had introduced me to Facebook Marketplace. In NYC, someone is always moving out, and that means free stuff! Unfortunately, free stuff on the streets can be pissed on and may or may not be infested with lice. Facebook Marketplace is just Gen Z's Craigslist, and lets you pay for the privilege of moving furniture out of strangers apartments.

I knew I wanted a rug, and I knew I didn't want a beige monstrosity from IKEA. I wanted a statement piece. One that said: "John Chan knows color theory". You've seen my old room. I needed all the help deceiving visitors that I could get from my furniture. Facebook is good for maybe three things: talking with your friends in nursing homes, feeling guilty that you don't have children, and finding love (in textile and furniture markets). I'm happy to report that Facebook Marketplace delivered and she moved in with me for only 70 bucks!


Have I mentioned that I love my rug?

And for now, that is where we will end this episode of Acting Up. I am settling in well! I'm a little scared to jinx the acting opportunity so I will talk about it when I officially have the role. Sorry for the clickbait, but look forward to another blog post next week!

With love,



  1. the way this got copy/pasted into the group chat so fast--met with screams of excitement!! John, you look great! This move sounds great! Absolutely the definition of rooting for you!!! - Cassidy, Megha, and Cecilia (also sorry had to change my blogspot username from 2010 :))

  2. yo!!! so excited for you, rooting for your success in nyc!! -Ezb


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